KEEC (Korea English Exam Center), an authorized test center of Cambridge University Press and Assessment (CUPA), is recruiting Speaking Examiners for the Cambridge English Qualification (CEQ).
We seek Speaking Examiners with teaching experiences with young learners (age group 6~12) for the YLE exams (Pre-A1 Starters, A1 Movers, and A2 Flyers). We also see Speaking Examiners with teaching experience with teens and young adult learners (age group 13 and up) for the Main Suit exams (A2 Key for Schools, B1 Preliminary for Schools, B2 First for Schools, and C1 Advanced). Please check the eligibility requirements below and apply. ◈ Minimum Professional Requirements (MPRs) ◈ 1) Education to BA/BS (first) degree or equivalent * 2) A recognized language teaching qualification * 3) Proof of substantial, relevant teaching experience (CELTA, TEFL, etc.) Additional Professional Requirements 4) English language competency of a native speaker 5) Appropriate professional attributes and interpersonal skills 6) Holds working visa & 7) Meets local legislation requirements for working with children *An applicant can be exempt either from the formal teaching qualification or the first degree/equivalent requirement (but not both) if they have considerable relevant teaching experience (i.e., ideally 3,000 hours or more). References to support this experience may be requested. An application must have recent experience dealing with children, ideally in a professional capacity, and must show that they can work with children in line with local legislation. You must also be willing to sign a declaration that you are suitably responsible for conducting exams with children under 16. Refer to <Become a Cambridge English Speaking Examiner>. ◈ Admissions Procedure ◈ 1st: Document review 2nd: Individual phone interview (Team Leader conducted in English for about 20~30 min.) 3rd: Training - Induction – online (30 min.) - Training – face-to-face (4 hours per exam) - Certification of Procedure – face-to-face or online (3~4 hours) - Certification of Assessment – online (before the live exam) - Observation by Team Leader – live observation of Speaking Examiner ** The face-to-face training schedule and location will be announced later. (Training will be in Seoul during June-July.) ** As an examiner, you must participate in annual retraining and monitoring to maintain your eligibility. ◈ Payment ◈ . A Speaking Examiner fee is 50,000 KRW per 1 hour. . Cambridge Exams are conducted upon request (weekdays and/or weekends). However, most are conducted on the weekends. . You may need to travel to other cities. (In this case, some transportation expenses are subsidized.) ◈ Recruitment period ◈ Until June 15, 2024 ◈ How to Apply ◈ Please refer to <Become a Cambridge English Speaking Examiner> and submit your application through the link below. ◈ Precautions ◈ . As a Speaking Examiner, you must not divulge information about the Cambridge exams that you have come to know. . As a Speaking Examiner, you cannot evaluate your students. . The Speaking Examiner qualification cannot be used for business cards or marketing advertisements. (Can be written on resume.) . This center is not responsible for legal issues related to external activities in the case of native speakers. (recommend F4 or F6 visa) ◈ Upcoming exam days ◈ - Saturday, 10 August, in Seoul - Saturday, 17 August, in Ulsan (South of Gyeongsang Province) - Saturday, 24 August, in Jeonju (Jeolla Province) - Saturday, 31 August, in Busan - Saturday, 7 September, in Changwon (South of Gyeongsang Province) - Saturday, 12 October, in Pohang (North of Gyeongsang Province) ◈ Training Timetable ◈ Date: Not fixed yet, but one of the following dates: Saturday 22 June, Saturday 20 July, or Saturday 27 July Time: am 9:00 ~ pm 5:00 No. of nominees: 12 Venue: Seoul Transportation and accommodation expenses will not be covered by participants attending the training. ◈ Inquiries ◈ If you have any other questions, please get in touch with [email protected] 이현정 Hannah Lee 팀장 Center Exam Manager T: 02 3431 8202 m: + 82 10 8531 6398 e: [email protected] F: 02 3431 8203 We, TESOL MA, invites every TESOL MA student and alumni to SPRING 2024 Symposium!
Date: 06/15/2024 Time: 16:00-20:00 (Dinner Party begins at 16:00) Location: Prime Building 204 Inquiries President of Student Union: 010-7481-1128 Vice President of Student Union: 010-7404-8294 * Please check your inbox for informational emails * Please transfer the entrance fee within this weeke to edit. 2024학년도 후기 특수대학원 신·편입생 정시모집 안내
1. 입학정보 및 원서접수 안내 가. 모집요강 바로 가기(클릭!) 나. ☜ 원서접수 (※ 회원가입-일반원서접수-로그인) 다. ☜ 원서접수 확인 라. ☜ 수험표 출력 마. ☜ 제출서류 도착 확인 (※ 서류도착 확인은 발송 후 3~4일 소요) ※ 위 나~마항은 원서접수 시작일인 2024. 4. 30.(화) 10시에 오픈됩니다. 2. 원서접수기간: 2024. 4. 30.(화) 10시 ~ 5. 9.(목) 17시, (주)진학어플라이 ( 1544-7715) * 추가모집은 학과(전공)에 따라 2024년 7월 초 원서접수 예정임 3. 서류제출기간: 2024. 4. 30.(화) 10시 ~ 5. 13.(월) 17시, 서류제출 마감일 우체국 등기우편 소인분까지 유효 ※ 제출 서류는 원서접수 후 '우편발송용 봉투 표지'를 부착하여 등기우편으로 발송함 4. 입학상담 문의: 02-710-9079, 2077-7094 (교학팀) / FAX 02-710-9080 / e-mail : [email protected] to edit. <2024 Korea TESOL International Conference>
1. Date: 2024. 4. 27.(Sat)~4. 28.(Sun) 2. Location: Sookmyung Women's University 3. Theme: Players on the World Stage: From EFL Classrooms to Global Lives About the Theme 4. Homepage: <Register for TESOL Students> 1. Register Period: 2024. 3. 11.(Mon)~3. 22.(Fir) - You must pay the participation fee to complete your application. 2. How to register: Fill out the google form 3. Fee: 30,000won(Lunch is not included) - The participation fee for non-members (regular) is 140,000 won, but the special price is 30,000 won as a special benefit is provided to Sookmyung TESOL students. - Payment Account: 110-345-020519 신민경 (Depositor name: Program + name ex. SMU Kim Sookmyeong) 4. Note - Information on how to receive a name badge to enter the conference will be announced around mid-April only to applicants. - Inquiry: 02-2077-7730 PLENARY SPEAKERS Boyoung Lee (CEO, AnySpeak) - Plenary Session: Meeting Halfway with Learners Aya Matsuda (Arizona State University) - Plenary Session: From EFL Students to EIL Users: Preparing Students for Today’s Globalized World - Second Session: TEIL as a Tool for Decolonizing and Anti-Racist Pedagogy Guy Cook (King's College, London) - Plenary Session: Setting the Stage: The EFL Classroom in the First Quarter of the 21st Century (Virtual) FEATURED SPEAKERS David Paul (Language Teaching Professionals) - Featured Session: Using Classroom Games Effectively with Young Learners - Second Session: Fun and Effective Classroom Game Activities Robert J. Lowe (Ochanomizu University) - Featured Session: Native-Speakerism and (Dis)empowerment: An Autoethnography of Success and Failure in Language Teaching and Learning - Second Session: Duoethnography in ELT: Research, Reflection, and Practice Eun Sung Park (Sogang University) - Featured Session: Resilient Roots, Global Growth: Transnational Identities as Assets in the English Classroom CedarBough T. Saeji (Pusan National University) - Featured Session: Dressing Up in the Korean Past: Hanbok Wearing as Play Informed by Popular Culture - Second Session: K-pop as a Teaching Tool David Kellogg (Sangmyung University) - Featured Session: Rote, Role, Rule: Halliday, Vygotsky, and Shakespeare on Play Development - Second Session: METAPHOR IS WAR: Forming and Forgetting Science Concepts Through Language Play Michael Hurt (Korea National University of Arts) - Featured Session: How Korea Got Cool: Ethnography and the Korean Style Eunjee Ko (Namseoul University) - Featured Session: Exploring the 2022 Revised National English Curriculum: Deciphering What to Teach and How to Teach It - Second Session: What Is “In-Depth Learning” in the 2022 Revised English Curriculum: A Reflection on Concept-Based Curriculum and Instruction Research Talk Topic: United in Assessment: Enhancing Language Literacy Across Educational Roles
Speaker: Dr. Jiyoon Lee, UMBC Speaker Bio: Research Talk Schedule: Friday, March 8, 1:30 ~ 2:30 p.m. Research Talk Location: Room 207, Sookmyung Women's University Talent Center (Offline) Application Form Submission Period: ~3/5 (Tue) 17:00 ![]()
Office Hours
10:00 AM - 17:00 PM (Wed) 10:00 AM - 17:00 PM (Fri) (12:00-13:00 Lunch Time) E-mail: [email protected] (02) 2077-7760 AuthorSookmyung TESOL MA |